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[EN] [RO] Campari unveils elegant new look

New Campari bottle: refined modern look and new modern silver foil logo

Campari, the world-renowned beverage and classic symbol of Italian style and culture, has undergone a makeover. The revamp is the next chapter in the ongoing mission to modernise the premium brand and reflect its status as a contemporary icon. The sophisticated new bottle shape and new silver foil and glass embossed logo perfectly capture the understated elegance of the best-known ‘red spirit’ in the world. On the Romanian market, the new bottle will be available starting with June. Campari is the first choice of Romanians when it comes to aperitif drinks.

The restyling exercise was conducted by Claessens International, a leading agency based in London which specialises in design and brand consultancy. The consultancy, which has a long-standing partnership with Campari, was tasked with developing a new look which communicates the charisma and passion of the premium brand in a contemporary and authentic way.

The result is a lesson in chic and stylish design. The new bottle design boasts a longer neck, sleeker shoulders and elegant waist that scream sophistication both on shelf and in the hand, whilst the premium glass embossing endorses the brand and creates a unique, ownable bottle.

Silver foil treatment updates the Campari logo and adds a refined, modern feel, while the label in the front panel of the Campari bottle has been reduced for greater standout. The text and visual details of it compliment the overall sophisticated style of the brand and the clarity of the details and the freshness of the colours brings a greater modernity to the brand. A bold statement of origin in Milan gives provenance and authenticity.

The smaller, sharper label has been designed alongside the bottle to create the perfect balance and equilibrium of contemporary style and sophistication, whilst retaining the instant recognition of Campari.

Since it was first created in 1860, Campari has always communicated using the graphical language and stylistic tones of the period, anticipating trends and establishing itself as an icon of fashion and style. From listening to opera and chamber music, generations have passed through to the rhythms of swing, rock, house and lounge music: always there, Campari has always been on the scene.

Adapting to new generations, the renewal of tastes and shapes that the alcoholic beverage market has experienced and which is increasingly seen in the styling of bottles, Campari is once again leading the way in beverage design.

“With this stylish makeover Campari further establishes its position as an ‘Icon of Italy’”, says Andrea Conzonato, Chief Marketing Officer, Gruppo Campari “The brand new image is one of proud confidence which perfectly conveys what it is to be a symbol of style and elegance.”


Campari isi dezvaluie noua imagine eleganta

Noua sticla Campari: aspect rafinat, modern si un nou logo modern din folie de argint

Campari, bautura de renume mondial si simbolul clasic al stilului si al culturii italiene, a fost supusa unei transformari de imagine. Restilizarea sticlei reprezinta o etapa dintr-un plan pe termen lung ce vizeaza modernizarea marcii premium si reflecta statutul brandului de simbol contemporan. Noua sticla cu o forma sofisticata si logo-ul argintiu ce iese in relief, disponibila pe piata din Romania din iunie, surprinde perfect eleganta celei mai cunoscute bauturi spirtoase rosii din lume. Campari se situeaza pe locul 1 in topul preferintelor romanilor in ceea ce priveste categoria bauturilor aperitive.

Exercitiul de restilizare a fost realizat de Claessens International, o agentie de top cu sediul la Londra, care este specializata in proiectare si consultanta de brand. Agentia, cu care Campari a realizat un parteneriat de lunga durata, are ca obiectiv dezvoltarea unui nou aspect care sa comunice carisma si pasiunea brandului premium intr-un mod modern si autentic.

Rezultatul este o veritabila lectie de stil si design elegant. Noul design al sticlei propune un gat mai lung, umerii si o talie cu un aspect elegant, care denota un stil sofisticat, in timp ce logo-ul premium care iese in relief pe suprafata sticlei promoveaza brandul si creeaza o sticla unica. Folia argintie care acopera logo-ul Campari ii confera un accent rafinat, modern, in timp ce dimensiunea etichetei a fost redusa pentru a face ca brandul sa fie mai usor de remarcat. Textul si detaliile vizuale reprezinta un compliment adus stilului sofisticat al marcii, iar claritatea detaliilor si prospetimea culorilor adauga o nota de modernitate mai mare brandului. Fiind o adevarata declaratie indrazneata a originilor milaneze, noul design confera autenticitate sticlei.

Inca de la lansarea sa in 1860, Campari a comunicat intotdeauna apeland la limbajul si la tonurile stilistice reprezentative pentru perioadele respective, anticipand tendintele si pozitionandu-se ca un adevarat promotor al modei si al stilului. Pe masura ce gusturile au evoluat, iar fiecare generatie a avut propriile preferinte musicale, de la opera si muzica de camera, si pana la swing, rock, house si music de lounge, Campari a fost mereu alaturi completand atmosfera.

Adaptandu-se intotdeauna noilor generatii si tinand cont permanent de tendintele de  reinnoire a gusturilor si formelor care au caracterizat piata bauturilor alcoolice si care s-au reflectat din ce in ce mai mult in design-ul sticlelor, Campari este un deschizator de drumuri in ceea ce priveste design-ul  in industria bauturilor alcoolice.

“Cu acest exercitiu de restilizare, Campari se repozitioneaza ca un veritabil simbol italian, noua imagine de brand redand cu incredere si mandrie ideea de stil si eleganta “, declara Andrea Conzonato, Chief Marketing Officer, Gruppo Campari.