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[EN] [RO]Johnnie Walker new TV spot called “The Endless Walk”

Johnnie Walker new TV spot called “The Endless Walk”

For the first time Johnnie Walker will take the stage and spread its inspirational Keep Walking message to the Romanian market. The TV commercial called “The Endless Walk” is a totally innovative type of TV spot that takes consumers through the 200 years evolution of Johnnie Walker.

Everyone has been inspired by someone to progress. It’s a universal human truth, and inspirational relationships are at the heart of the history and progress of Johnnie Walker. This film tells the story of these relationships and the knowledge that has passed from generation to generation, from master blender to master blender, creating an epic journey through the brand’s history.

The film was animated by the award winning animation company Studio AKA, and narrated by James McAvoy.

The campaign will have the opportunity to be seen on 15 most relevant TV stations for our targeted audience. Print, Facebook, Youtube and other websites will also build the awareness of the campaign.

The campaign is meant to inspire consumers and build their trust in the brand creating the premises for them to choose Johnnie Walker from the shelf and from the menus.

Pentru prima oara marca Johnnie Walker paseste in lumina reflectoarelor pentru a transmite mesajul sau de “Keep Walking” consumatorilor din Romania.

Reclama TV, informal numita “Calatoria fara de sfarsit”, este executata intr-un mod cu totul innovativ, diferit de tot ce exista in momentul actual pe piata din Romania. Reclama ii poarta pe privitori prin cele mai importante momente din istoria sa de aproape 200 de ani.

Cu totii am fost inspirati de-a lungul vietii noastre de catre cineva sa progresam. Este un adevar universal valabil, iar relatiile ce inspira stau la baza istoriei si progresului marcii Johnnie Walker. Filmul spune povestea acestor relatii si a cunostintelor ce au fost transmise din generatie in generatie, de la master blender la master blender, creand o calatorie memorabilia de-a lungul istoriei marcii.

Reclama a fost animate de catre faimoasa casa de animatii “Studio AKA” si este povestita de catre James McAvoy.

Campania va incepe in aceasta vineri fiind difuzata pe cele mai relevante 15 posturi TV pentru publicul tinta al lui Johnnie Walker. Presa, Facebook-ul, Youtube-ul si alte website-uri vor creste notorietatea campaniei.

Aceasta campanie are rolul de a inspira consumatorii si de a creste increderea lor in marca, construind astfel bazele cresterii cererii in off trade si on trade. De aceea aportul vostru in cresterea vizibilitatii si rotatiei marcii la raft in aceasta perioada este mai important ca niciodata.
