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[EN][GR]Nestle Waters praises PPD Romania for it’s Acqua Panna Campaign

Nestle Waters praises PPD Romania for it’s Acqua Panna Campaign 

PPD Romania has been feaured by Nestle Waters, the number one bottled water company worldwide, for its sponsorship of Hell’s Kitchen with Acqua Panna, and gaining such exposure.

In particular, Nestle Waters mentions the following at its newsletter which is sent to all its partners and eployees.

Romania is the biggest country of South East Europe with a population of 20 mio people. With its 1.5 bio liters it is also within the top 30 markets in the bottled water category worldwide.

To catch the market potential a new RTM has been established in 2014 appointing PPD Romania as official distributor of the Italian brands.

On the road to a turnaround in the development of our brands in the Romanian market a key step has been taken this year with a sponsorship in the local production of Hell’s Kitchen.

At the first edition in Romania the cooking show started on September 22nd is already a success story. The activity will bring a strong exposure of our brands to our target consumers throughout the 17 episodes. In addition to being the exclusive waters for contestants and jury during the whole broadcasting, the agreement includes: an outstanding product placement with bottles display and point of sale materials, the pouring of the product during the dinners, a 11’ graphic insertion for each episode (pictures on the right), 5 references made by the waiters while serving the products during the dinner challenges.

Thank you to our new marketing team in the country for this valuable and cost effective partnership.

H Nestle Waters επιβραβεύει την PPD Romania για καμπάνια προβολής των Acqua Panna

Η No 1 εταιρεία εμφιάλωσης νερού παγκοσμίως η Nestle Waters, επιβραβεύει την PPD Romania για την αποτελεσματική επικοινωνιακή προώθηση των προϊόντων της στη Ρουμανία.

Σε εταιρικό της newsletter, η Nestle Waters αναφέρεται στην επιτυχή καμπάνια της PPD Romania για τα Acqua Panna, δίνοντας έμφαση στη σημαντική προβολή των προϊόντων μέσω της χορηγίας της τοπικής εκπομπής Hell’s Kitchen.