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group_workplacePhotos Photiades Group actively enforces policies in the workplace in the areas of:

Health and Safety System
Culture and Equal Opportunities
Training and Personal Development



Health and Safety

The Photos Photiades Group has implemented an Occupational Health and Safety System based on OHSAS 18001, which has been certified by the Cypurs Certification Company. Through a Health and Safety at work system, Photos Photiades Breweries aims at maintaining a safe environment for its employees at all locations. These include training of specific personnel in First Aid and Fire Management and acting out fire drills and other emergency situations. All of these actions are done systematically with results recorded and monitored.

In addition, all accidents at the workplace are recorded, and the group sets specific targets on the acceptable number of work related accidents each year.

Apart from the accident insurance offered to all employees at Photos Photiades Group, all members of the management staff are also enrolled in the Multicare medical health scheme. As part of the scheme, management also receive annual check-ups including laboratory, heart and fatigue tests.

Photos Photiades Group actively believes in pre-emptive actions to maintain its employees healthy and fit.

Culture and Equal Opportunities

Photos Photiades Group is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in race, religion, ethnic origin, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender or political opinion. As such, employment and recruitment is carried out according to the job description of the role with the aim of recruiting the most appropriate persons in each situation.

Simultaneously, the Group is dedicated in promoting its corporate culture throughout its staff. Our culture is based on a set of core values which we believe in and which are an integral part of all our activities and actions.

Training and Personal Development

At Photos Photiades Group all staff are assessed annually on their personal development and training requirements are noted. Our aim is to satisfy all training requirements with 12 months of when they arise, and we target an average of 2 training days per manager in each year.