Mika Häkkinen, Johnnie Walker Global Responsible Drinking Ambassador, and two time Formula One World Champion with the McLaren Formula One team, is for the first time in Bucharest today to share the Never Drink and Drive message with Romanian consumers, as part of Johnnie Walker’s global responsible drinking campaign, Join the Pact.
Join the Pact is a campaign designed to encourage consumers to make a personal commitment to never drink and drive. To date, about one million people have joined the Pact around the world. In Romania, since the launch of the campaign in April, thousands of Romanians have signed the pact through an interactive application on the Johnnie Walker Romania official Facebook Page, http://www.facebook.com/JohnnieWalkerRomania, as well as on “Join the Pact” billboards available in Baneasa Shopping City, where the Caparo T1 supercar and Vodafone McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 car have been showcased during the past two weeks. So far, the campaign has reached more than one million Romanian consumers through various channels spanning broadcast, digital and print media with its clear message: Never Drink and Drive.
Today starting at 5.30 pm, Mika Häkkinen will drive his high performance Join the Pact Supercar, the Caparo T1, on a closed circuit next to Baneasa Shopping City – a unique opportunity for the people of Bucharest to see a true driving legend demonstrate that ‘Winners Always Stay in Control’. Winners of the Join the Pact promotion, along with other key public figures, will have the extraordinary opportunity to sit in the passenger seat in the Caparo T1 and experience Mika’s expert precision and control behind the driving wheel at speed.
Mika Häkkinen said, “I am pleased to be in Romania and encourage Romanians to Join the Pact and never drink and drive. As a Formula 1™ driver, I know the importance of staying in control, especially behind the wheel. If you drink and drive, you are not in control. If you want to drink, it’s very important to have a designated driver.”
Ian Wright, Corporate Relations Director Diageo PLC added: “The issues of responsibility and choice are critical to the debates about alcohol. Johnnie Walker’s F1 sponsorship is pioneering. With Mika Häkkinen as our Global Responsible Drinking Ambassador, Johnnie Walker tackles these issues directly. Since 2006, Mika has visited over 30 countries on four continents, delivering the crucial Never Drink and Drive message to millions of people. This campaign and the results generated over the years demonstrate that alcoholic beverage companies can effectively promote responsible drinking and change consumer attitudes.”
Diageo, the world’s leading premium drinks company and producer of Johnnie Walker, and PPD Romania, Diageo’s strategic partner on the Romanian market, brought the Join the Pact campaign to Romania as part of their overall commitment to promote the responsible enjoyment of alcohol.
Mika Häkkinen, ambasadorul global Johnnie Walker pentru promovarea consumului responsabil de alcool, transmite consumatorilor romani mesajul “Nu te urca la volan sub influenta alcoolului”
Mika Häkkinen, ambasadorul global Johnnie Walker pentru promovarea consumului responsabil de alcool si dublu campion mondial de Formula 1™, cu echipa McLaren, este astazi pentru prima data in Bucuresti pentru a transmite consumatorilor romani mesajul “Nu te urca la volansub influenta alcoolului”, ca parte din campania globala Johnnie Walker pentru consum responsabil, “Join the Pact”.
“Join the Pact” este o campanie menita sa incurajeze si sa determine consumatorii, prin semnarea pactului, sa isi ia un angajament personal de nu se urca la volan sub influenta alcoolului. Pana in prezent, aproximativ un milion de oameni din intreaga lume au semnat pactul alaturi de Mika Häkkinen. In Romania, din momentul lansarii campaniei, din luna aprilie, peste zece mii de consumatori au semnat pactul, atat prin intermediul aplicatiei interactive disponibile pe pagina oficiala de Facebook Johnnie Walker Romaniahttp://www.facebook.com/JohnnieWalkerRomania, cat si utilizand panourile “Join the Pact” expuse in ultimele doua saptamani in Baneasa Shopping City, alaturi de masinile Caparo T1 si Vodafone McLaren Mercedes Formula 1.
Pana in prezent, mesajul campaniei, “Nu te urca la volan sub influenta alcoolului”, a ajuns lapeste un milion de consumatori romani, prin diverse canale de promovare: TV, online si media traditionala.
Astazi, incepand cu ora 17:30, in cadrul unei curse cu circuit inchis care va avea loc in Baneasa Shopping City din Bucuresti, Mika Häkkinen va face o demonstratie la volanul masinii Join the Pact Caparo T1, aceasta fiind o ocazie unica pentru fani de a urmari abilitatile de conducere si control ale unei adevarate legende a sporturilor motorizate. Castigatorii promotiei Join the Pact, alaturi de alte personalitati, vor avea sansa sa se bucure de o cursa la bordul masinii Caparo T1, alaturi de Mika, urmarindu-i de aproape precizia si tehnica speciala de pilotaj.
Mika Häkkinen afirma, “Sunt incantat ca ma aflu in Romania pentru a incuraja consumatorii sa semneze pactul si sa isi ia angajamentul de a nu se urca la volan sub influenta alcoolului. In calitate de sofer de Formula 1™, stiu cat este de important sa detii controlul, mai ales atunci cand te afli la volan. Daca decizi sa conduci dupa ce consumi alcool, nu vei mai avea control. Iar atunci cand vrei sa consumi alcool, este foarte important sa ai alaturi de tine un sofer care si-a luat angajamentul de a te conduce in siguranta acasa si a semnat pactul nostru.”
Ian Wright, Corporate Relations Director Diageo PLC, compania producatoare a marcii Johnnie Walker, adauga: “Atunci cand vorbim despre consumul de alcool, aspectele legate de alegeri potrivite si responsabilitate sunt esentiale. Parteneriatul Johnnie Walker cu Formula 1™ are o importanta deosebita pentru noi. Impreuna cu Mika Häkkinen, in rolul sau fundamental de ambasador global pentru promovarea consumului responsabil de alcool, Johnnie Walker abordeaza direct aceasta problema. Inca din 2006, Mika a vizitat peste 30 de tari de pe patru continente si a transmis mesajul “Nu te urca la volan sub influenta alcoolului” catre milioane de oameni. Aceasta campanie si rezultatele obtinute de-a lungul anilor demonstreaza faptul ca si companiile care comercializeaza bauturi alcoolice pot promova in mod eficient consumul responsabil de alcool si pot aduce schimbari pozitive in atitudinea consumatorilor.”
Diageo, lider mondial pe piata distribuitorilor de bauturi premium si producatorul Johnnie Walker, alaturi de PPD Romania, partenerul exclusiv al Diageo pe piata din Romania, au dezvoltat campania Join the Pact, ca parte a angajamentului de a promova consumul responsabil de alcool.