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[EN] [RO]The World Most Powerful Signature

The World Most Powerful Signature

“The World Most Powerful Signature”, precision driving & a safe ride home for Alexandra Stan powered by  Mika Häkkinen for the third consequent editon of  Join The Pact  in Romania

This Saturday Romania JOINed THE PACT proving the continuity of a succesful campaign and celebrated its commitment in a spectacular and entertaining event. In  the parking area of Baneasa Shopping City the atmosphere was sustained by the dynamics of hundreds horse power from the driving circuit, the exquisite presence of sparkling celebrities who jumped in the Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG from Tiriac Auto as „copilots” of two times Formula 1 Champion Mika Häkkinen, „The World’s Most Powerful Signature” – the MH initials signed on the tarmac in a mindblowing demonstration of precision and control drift  performed by a motorsport legend and lots of signatures gathered on the spot.

Since its 2013 launch in Romania, the global Johnnie Walker’s initiative Join the Pact has gathered 24,000 signatures. By the end of 2015 we are planning to add another 12.000 personal commitments  to never drink and drive. At this moment, globally, over 2 milion commitments have been received and the intention is to reach another three million people over the next three years, bringing the total to five million.

Mikka Häkkinen has travelled as Johnnie Walker’s Global Responsible Drinking Ambassador in over 40 countries, across 4 continents to promote Join The Pact. He only ever returned to a country four times: and Romania is one of these countries, which is a great reflection on how well the Romanian public has responded to his call to action.

The few lucky ones who had the oportunity to be on the circuit with Mikka Häkkinen and witness his driving and control skills: Alexandra Stan, Loredana, Lucian Mandruta, Cabral, Maria Coman, Sabina Iosub, Maria Linda, Adrian Maniutiu, Roxana Ciuhulescu and Mihai Leu are the examples to be followed. Each one of them signed the pact. It’s your turn to acknowledge the danger assumed by the irresponsible drinking and to fight for saving lives!  Make the commitment to never drink and drive by signing here and together we can help get the world home safely.

Each signature equals 1 km of a safe ride home. Mika Häkkinen was the first to offer the safest ride home to singer Alexandra Stan.

Cea mai puternica semnatura din lume

Campania de responsabilizare Johnnie Walker a revenit in Romania sambata 16 mai 2015, asigurand continuitatea unei campanii de succes, in scopul cresterii gradului de constientizare in ceea ce priveste consumul responsabil de alcool. Mesajul campaniei a fost transmis in cadrul unui eveniment spectaculos si antrenant ce a avut loc in parcarea Baneasa Shopping City.  Atmosfera a fost intretinuta de dinamica sutelor de cai putere a unui Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG de pe circuit si participarea spumoasa a unui cerc exclusivist de vedete. Acestia au luat, pe rand, locul „copilotului” alaturi de dublul Campion Formula 1 Mika Häkkinen intr-o serie de curse spectaculoase. „Cea mai puternica semnatura din lume” – initialele MH au fost marcate pe pista de asfalt intr-o demonstratie uluitoare de precizie si control, executata de catre legenda motorsport.  O multime de angajamente „Never Drink and Drive” au fost stranse chiar la fata locului.

Inca de la lansarea sa in Romania in 2013, initiativa globala Johnnie Walker, a reusit sa stranga 24,000 de semnaturi. Pana la finalul anului, programul are ca obiectiv acumularea a inca 12.000 de angajamente personale de a nu conduce niciodata sub influenta alcoolului. In acest moment, la nivel global, s-au strans peste 2 milioane de angajamente, obiectivul pentru urmatorii 3 ani fiind acela de a atinge inca 3 milioane de oameni in jurul aceleiasi cauze, cumulandu-se un total de 5 milioane de semnaturi.

Mika Häkkinen a calatorit in peste 40 de tari, de pe 4 continente, in calitate de Ambasador Global al Programului de Consum Responsabil de Alcool pentru a promova Join The Pact. S-a intors doar in doar patru dintre acestea, Romania fiind una dintre ele, ceea ce reflecta impactul pozitiv cu care aceasta cauza a fost primita de catre publicul roman.

Printre cei cativa norocosi, care au avut sansa de a se afla pe circuit alaturi de Mika Häkkinen si de a fi martorii tehnicilor impresionante de precizie si control s-au numarat: Alexandra Stan, Loredana, Lucian Mandruta, Cabral, Maria Coman, Sabina Iosub, Maria Linda, Adrian Maniutiu, Roxana Ciuhulescu si Mihai Leu, adevarate exemple de urmat. Fiecare dintre acestia au semnat pactul. Este randul tau sa constientizezi pericolul presupus de consumul iresponsabil de alcool si sa lupti pentru cauza care poate salva vieti! Ia-ti si tu angajamentul de a nu conduce niciodata vehicule sub influenta alcoolului semnand pactul aici si impreuna putem ajuta oamenii sa ajunga acasa in siguranta.

Fiecare semnatura inseamna 1 km de calatorie in siguranta spre casa. Mika Häkkinen  a fost primul care a oferit cea mai sigura calatorie spre casa artistei Alexandra Stan.