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[EN] [RO] J&B invites young people all around Romanian to collaborate more

J&B invites young people all around Romanian to collaborate more

PPD Romania launched at the end of 2015 the www.blendingspirits.ro digital platform that marks the newest positioning campaign of J&B on the Romanian market.

Inspired by J&B’s mission to champion the good that comes from uniting independent spirits, we built the digital platform as the binding force between the opposites who attract.

In the first phase of the positioning campaign, J&B dramatized the positive calls to action that bring Romanian young people together, sharing with them powerful and inspirational examples.

To do so, we challenged two of the most trending Romanian artists, two truly independent spirits, to cover each other’s work in their already famous style.

The digital platform collected their performances and the discussions we built around them on Instagram and Facebook, continuing the true spirts of blending people together. We even challenged our fans to come up with their own ideas of blending spirits collaboration, just to spice things up.

Given the successful start, PPD Romania continues J&B’s pursuit to connect the independent spirits, with new powerful examples and many other activation in the following months.

J&B invita tinerii sa colaboreze, in noua campanie de repozitionare a brandului

La finalul anului 2015, PPD Romania a lansat platforma digitala www.blendingspirits.ro, marcand astfel lansarea campaniei de repozitionare a brandului J&B pe piata din Romania.

Inspirati de misiunea J&B de a unii caractere independente, am creat o platforma digitala care sa adune la un loc toate personalitatile independente, oricand de diferite ar fi ele.

In prima etapa a campaniei de repozitionare, J&B a deschis in social media discutia despre colaborare, oferindu-le exemple puternice, pentru a-i inspira si indemna sa colaboreze.

Platforma si-a inceput seria de provocari invitand doi dintre cei mai proaspat-descoperiti artisti locali, Macanache si Adda, sa isi reinterpreteze reciproc cea mai de succes creatie a fiecaruia. Clipurile create de cei doi s-au bucurat de atentia comunitatii locale, adunand in doar cateva saptamani peste 622.000 de vizionari pe pagina oficiala de YouTube J&B Romania.

Platforma digitala a adunat interpretarile celor doi si a amplificat mesajul de conectare in Instagram si Facebook. Mai departe, am invitat comunitatea locala de fani J&B sa propuna alte duo-uri de artisti sau personalitati indepedente care ar putea sa devina Blending Spirits.

Dupa un inceput mai mult decat promitator, PPD Romania si J&B continua sa-si dedice resursele pentru a conecta personalitatile independente, oferindu-le inspiratie, o platforma pentru a-si exprima ideile, urmand sa le propuna, in scurt timp, noi provocari si activitati.